The Project
BierenCo ( importer and distributor of artisanal beers).
Since they have grown into one of Europe’s largest importers, building strong brands, providing the knowledge of unique drinks. It is their mission to introduce the taste the best craft drinks to everyone.
Improve online communication, sharing messages, improve search engine results, implement SEO, generate leads/new customers and create a system that the marketing department can maintain and edit themself.
How do we visualize the entire range? Determining the Customer Journey was quite a challenge. Select and search by beer types, breweries or countries?
Are we going to create a bold webshop structure or will we go for storytelling and experience?
All breweries have authentic stories to tell and magnificent images to show.
A straightforward website, clear navigation through the complete collection of beers, selzers and soft drinks.
The search function is at the heart of the website.
Although the site has been made quite a time ago ( May 2016) it has been performing great.
Does your company have a wide product range? Let’s talk!

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